Hours to Days Converter

Use our time converter to quickly convert hours to days.

Time Converter

How Many Days Are in an Hour?

One hour is approximately equal to 0.0417 days.

Convert Hours to Days

Use the time converter on this page or the following formula to convert hours (h) to days:

$\text{days} = \frac{\text{h}}{24}$

Popular Time Unit Conversions

Conversion Table: Hours to Days

Hours to Days
24 h = 1 day
48 h = 2 days
72 h = 3 days
96 h = 4 days
100 h = 4.17 days
120 h = 5 days
200 h = 8.33 days
300 h = 12.5 days
400 h = 16.67 days
500 h = 20.83 days
600 h = 25 days
700 h = 29.17 days
800 h = 33.33 days
900 h = 37.5 days
1000 h = 41.67 days
2000 h = 83.33 days
3000 h = 125 days
4000 h = 166.67 days
5000 h = 208.33 days
6000 h = 250 days
7000 h = 291.67 days
8000 h = 333.33 days
9000 h = 375 days
10000 h = 416.67 days