Minutes to Hours (min to h) Converter
Use our time converter to quickly convert minutes to hours.
Time Converter
How Many Hours Are in a Minute?
One minute is roughly equal to 0.0167 hours.
Convert Minutes to Hours
Use the time converter on this page or the following formula to convert minutes (min) to hours (h):
h = min / 60
Popular Time Unit Conversions
Conversion Table: Minutes to Hours
Minutes to Hours |
15 min = 0.25 h |
30 min = 0.50 h |
45 min = 0.75 h |
60 min = 1.00 h |
75 min = 1.25 h |
90 min = 1.50 h |
105 min = 1.75 h |
120 min = 2.00 h |
135 min = 2.25 h |
150 min = 2.50 h |
165 min = 2.75 h |
180 min = 3.00 h |
195 min = 3.25 h |
210 min = 3.50 h |
225 min = 3.75 h |
240 min = 4.00 h |