Cm to Inches Converter
Use our length converter to quickly convert centimeters to inches.
Length Converter
How Many Inches Are in a Centimeter?
One centimeter is equal to 0,3937 inches.
Convert Centimeters to Inches
Use the length converter on this page or the following formula to convert centimeters (cm) to inches (in):
$\text{in} = \text{cm} \cdot \text{0,3937}$
Popular Length Unit Conversions
Conversion Table: Centimeters to Inches
Centimeters to Inches |
10 cm = 3,94 in |
20 cm = 7,87 in |
30 cm = 11,81 in |
40 cm = 15,75 in |
50 cm = 19,69 in |
60 cm = 23,62 in |
70 cm = 27,56 in |
80 cm = 31,50 in |
90 cm = 35,43 in |
100 cm = 39,37 in |
110 cm = 43,31 in |
120 cm = 47,24 in |
130 cm = 51,18 in |
140 cm = 55,12 in |
150 cm = 59,06 in |
160 cm = 62,99 in |
170 cm = 66,93 in |
180 cm = 70,87 in |
190 cm = 74,80 in |
200 cm = 78,74 in |
210 cm = 82,68 in |
220 cm = 86,61 in |
230 cm = 90,55 in |
240 cm = 94,49 in |
250 cm = 98,43 in |
260 cm = 102,36 in |
270 cm = 106,30 in |
280 cm = 110,24 in |
290 cm = 114,17 in |
300 cm = 118,11 in |