Deciliters to Cups (dl to cups)

Use our volume converter to quickly convert deciliters to cups.


Volume Converter

*The cup size differs from country to country. Here, we use the American standard measurement for a cup.

How Many Cups Are in a Deciliter?

One deciliter is equal to 0.422675349 cups.

Convert Deciliters to Cups

Use the volume converter on this page or the following formula to convert deciliters (dl) to cups:

cups = dl × 0.422675349

Popular Volume Unit Conversions

Conversion Table: Deciliters to Cups

Deciliters to Cups
1 dl = 0.42 cups
2 dl = 0.85 cups
3 dl = 1.27 cups
4 dl = 1.69 cups
5 dl = 2.11 cups
6 dl = 2.54 cups
7 dl = 2.96 cups
8 dl = 3.38 cups
9 dl = 3.80 cups
10 dl = 4.23 cups
11 dl = 4.65 cups
12 dl = 5.07 cups
13 dl = 5.49 cups
14 dl = 5.92 cups
15 dl = 6.34 cups
16 dl = 6.76 cups
17 dl = 7.19 cups
18 dl = 7.61 cups
19 dl = 8.03 cups
20 dl = 8.45 cups