Hectograms to Grams (hg to g)

Use our weight converter to quickly convert hectograms to grams.


Weight Converter

How Many Grams Are in a Hectogram?

One hectogram is equal to 100 grams.

Convert Hectograms to Grams

Use the weight converter on this page or the following formula to convert hectograms (hg) to grams (g):

g = hg × 100

Popular Weight Unit Conversions

Conversion Table: Hectograms to Grams

Hectograms to Grams
1 hg = 100 g
2 hg = 200 g
3 hg = 300 g
4 hg = 400 g
5 hg = 500 g
6 hg = 600 g
7 hg = 700 g
8 hg = 800 g
9 hg = 900 g
10 hg = 1000 g
11 hg = 1100 g
12 hg = 1200 g
13 hg = 1300 g
14 hg = 1400 g
15 hg = 1500 g
16 hg = 1600 g
17 hg = 1700 g
18 hg = 1800 g
19 hg = 1900 g
20 hg = 2000 g