
Ounces to Grams (oz to g) Converter

Use our weight converter to quickly convert ounces to grams.

Weight Converter

How Many Grams Are in an Ounce?

One ounce is equal to 28.3495231 grams.

Convert Ounces to Grams

Use the weight converter on this page or the following formula to convert ounces (oz) to grams (g):

$\text{g} = \text{oz} \cdot \text{28.3495231}$

Popular Weight Unit Conversions

Conversion Table: Ounces to Grams

Ounces to Grams
1 oz = 28.35 g
2 oz = 56.70 g
3 oz = 85.05 g
4 oz = 113.40 g
5 oz = 141.75 g
6 oz = 170.10 g
7 oz = 198.45 g
8 oz = 226.80 g
9 oz = 255.15 g
10 oz = 283.50 g
11 oz = 311.85 g
12 oz = 340.20 g
13 oz = 368.55 g
14 oz = 396.90 g
15 oz = 425.25 g
16 oz = 453.60 g
17 oz = 481.95 g
18 oz = 510.30 g
19 oz = 538.65 g
20 oz = 567.00 g