Convert Knots to km/h

Use our speed converter to quickly convert knots to kilometers per hour (km/h).


Speed Converter

How Many km/h is 1 Knot?

1 knot is equal to 1.852 km/h.

Convert Knots to km/h

Use the speed converter on this page or the following formula to convert knots to km/h:

km/h = knots × 1.852

The image shows how to convert knots to kilometers per hour (km/h) and vice versa.

Popular Speed Unit Conversions

Conversion Table: Knots to km/h

Knots to km/h
1 knot = 1.85 km/h
2 knots = 3.70 km/h
3 knots = 5.56 km/h
4 knots = 7.41 km/h
5 knots = 9.26 km/h
6 knots = 11.11 km/h
7 knots = 12.96 km/h
8 knots = 14.82 km/h
9 knots = 16.67 km/h
10 knots = 18.52 km/h
11 knots = 20.37 km/h
12 knots = 22.22 km/h
13 knots = 24.08 km/h
14 knots = 25.93 km/h
15 knots = 27.78 km/h
16 knots = 29.63 km/h
17 knots = 31.48 km/h
18 knots = 33.34 km/h
19 knots = 35.19 km/h
20 knots = 37.04 km/h
25 knots = 46.30 km/h
30 knots = 55.56 km/h
35 knots = 64.82 km/h
40 knots = 74.08 km/h
45 knots = 83.34 km/h
50 knots = 92.60 km/h
55 knots = 101.86 km/h
60 knots = 111.12 km/h
65 knots = 120.38 km/h
70 knots = 129.64 km/h
75 knots = 138.90 km/h
80 knots = 148.16 km/h
85 knots = 157.42 km/h
90 knots = 166.68 km/h
95 knots = 175.94 km/h
100 knots = 185.20 km/h