
Convert m/s to mph

Use our speed converter to quickly convert meters per second (m/s) to miles per hour (mph).

Speed Converter

How Many mph is 1 m/s?

1 m/s is approximately equal to 2.237 mph.

Convert m/s to mph

Use the speed converter on this page or the following formula to convert m/s to mph:

$\text{mph} = \text{m/s} \cdot \text{2.2369362921}$

Popular Speed Unit Conversions

Conversion Table: m/s to mph

m/s to mph
1 m/s = 2.24 mph
2 m/s = 4.47 mph
3 m/s = 6.71 mph
4 m/s = 8.95 mph
5 m/s = 11.18 mph
6 m/s = 13.42 mph
7 m/s = 15.66 mph
8 m/s = 17.90 mph
9 m/s = 20.13 mph
10 m/s = 22.37 mph
11 m/s = 24.61 mph
12 m/s = 26.84 mph
13 m/s = 29.08 mph
14 m/s = 31.32 mph
15 m/s = 33.55 mph
16 m/s = 35.79 mph
17 m/s = 38.03 mph
18 m/s = 40.26 mph
19 m/s = 42.50 mph
20 m/s = 44.74 mph
21 m/s = 46.98 mph
22 m/s = 49.21 mph
23 m/s = 51.45 mph
24 m/s = 53.69 mph
25 m/s = 55.92 mph
26 m/s = 58.16 mph
27 m/s = 60.40 mph
28 m/s = 62.63 mph
29 m/s = 64.87 mph
30 m/s = 67.11 mph