Convert mph to Knots

Use our speed converter to quickly convert miles per hour (mph) to knots.


Speed Converter

How Many Knots is 1 mph?

1 mph is roughly equal to 0.869 knots.

Convert mph to Knots

Use the speed converter on this page or the following formula to convert mph to knots:

knots = mph × 0.868976

Popular Speed Unit Conversions

Conversion Table: mph to knots

mph to knots
10 mph = 8.69 knots
20 mph = 17.38 knots
30 mph = 26.07 knots
40 mph = 34.76 knots
50 mph = 43.45 knots
60 mph = 52.14 knots
70 mph = 60.83 knots
80 mph = 69.52 knots
90 mph = 78.21 knots
100 mph = 86.90 knots
110 mph = 95.59 knots
120 mph = 104.28 knots
130 mph = 112.97 knots
140 mph = 121.66 knots
150 mph = 130.35 knots
160 mph = 139.04 knots
170 mph = 147.73 knots
180 mph = 156.42 knots
190 mph = 165.11 knots
200 mph = 173.80 knots